Monday, July 12, 2010

from sufferborne....

20 days back I immigrated from India to the States and trust me I have never travelled so much in my life. In 20 days I have been to south virginia east virginia and northern border of north carolina (where I am writing my post from). nad so far I have experienced..the alcoholics..the drugists....the money savers....the gangsters..and also have had a crash course on how to handle a barren a small town with no growth...and popultion of 16,000....then leave that motel forever and ever...for acquiring a state of happily ever after but eventually reaching to a point where u dont knw where to go to.

It always fun to meet new people and to work and earn money. But wen the money u need to earn is forced upon u it is not that much of a fun thing. SO here I am with my familly...all of us royally kicked outta our house... enjoying the fact that we just left the work we were having just becasue its too early for us to face the attrocities of people who dotn even knw where they are and what they are doing.

as of now we are busy sufering the attrocities of being an immigrant-who-is-kickied-out-for-no-reason-watsover. And with this my confusing post ends....its been after a long time tht I have written.
love you all

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